Una línea azul con un círculo en el medio sobre un fondo negro.


Se muestra un logotipo de eysa sobre un fondo blanco.

This Work Package (WP) is responsible for overall project management,  including administrative tasks such as managing the Grant Agreement, financial  monitoring, cost statements, EU funding, and payments, while serving as the link  with EC institutions. Its primary goal is to ensure the project meets its objectives,  delivers results on time, stays within budget, and achieves high quality, while  effectively managing risks. It also encompasses project coordination, including governance, consortium meetings, monitoring technical progress, milestones,  deliverables, addressing risks, and planning next steps.

Una línea azul con un círculo en el medio sobre un fondo negro.



Un logotipo para CPS con un cubo azul sobre un fondo blanco.

This work package aims to identify the use cases for each pilot (national, regional, local/metropolitan, and cross-border) within the TEN-T network that the Mobility and Logistics Data Space must address. This will involve collaboration with key public and private stakeholders. Once identified, it will define the data to be collected and assess the need for models or simulations to generate KPIs for each use case. Additionally, it will validate the adequacy of the data (WP3) and models (WP4) and ensure the proper organization of the Mobility Data Space. Finally, in coordination with WP5, it will establish governance and community standards to position the Mobility Data Space as a digital hub for sharing data, enabling holistic, cross-border decision-making based on agreed KPIs.

Una línea azul con un círculo en el medio sobre un fondo negro.


Un logotipo para Ingertek con una flor en el medio.

The primary objective of WP3 is to identify, collect, and harmonize the mobility data needed to implement the use cases defined in WP2, serving as input for the modeling and simulation tasks in WP4. This includes data on travelers, private and public transport, autonomous vehicles, shared mobility, freight, air and waterborne transport, infrastructure, traffic, real-world emissions, and complementary factors like geography and weather. WP3 focuses on collecting and merging data at European, national, and regional levels, enriching metadata to enhance interoperability and geospatial connections, harmonizing datasets for data sharing and reuse, integrating real-time data, and ensuring the quality and maintenance of datasets throughout the project.

Una línea azul con un círculo en el medio sobre un fondo negro.


El logotipo de Aimsun es un círculo amarillo y azul con un círculo blanco en el medio.

The main goal of WP4 is to configure and apply transportation models for various mobility use cases. Its specific objectives include designing models to meet WP2 requirements, creating a methodology for model calibration and validation, and integrating these models into the Mobility Data Space developed in WP5. WP4 will configure a modeling environment with datadriven and simulation-based models adaptable to any geographic level (national, regional, urban, cross-border) and capable of addressing WP2 use cases. It will also determine the best approach for each area while ensuring interoperability, user-friendly interfaces, and process automation to assist decision-makers effectively. The WP will develop a system for representing use cases, enabling long- and medium-term mobility forecasts, as well as short-term operational evaluations for events like concerts, road closures, or weather disruptions. Existing models will be reused when beneficial, leveraging their value. The output will include software tools for automated simulations, providing detailed numerical and graphical data tailored to the defined use cases.

Una línea azul con un círculo en el medio sobre un fondo negro.


El logotipo de NTT Data es azul y blanco sobre un fondo blanco.

The objective of this Work Package (WP) is to design and implement a new Mobility Data Space to enable secure, trustworthy, and controlled sharing of mobility and transport data among providers and consumers identified in WP2. This includes establishing a governance framework to define roles, tasks, and processes within the data space. The WP will identify and integrate key building blocks (e.g., security, application services, and communication trust) to develop an architecture that ensures interoperability with related data spaces (e.g., mobility and energy) while complying with the European Data Spaces Technical Framework and standards like IDSA and DSSC.The WP will also develop and operationalize the Mobility Data Space as a scalable, cloud-based, distributed infrastructure to support data integration, interoperability, and standardization. It will include mechanisms for data provision and usage via connectors and define technical specifications to meet operational, use case, and trustworthiness requirements. The infrastructure will support data visualization and advanced services such as monitoring, security, and privacy.Finally, the WP will test the data space infrastructure in diverse settings to ensure reliability, scalability, and performance, adhering to quality assurance guidelines. This infrastructure will store harmonized data, meet market-ready standards, and provide non-discriminatory access to all mobility stakeholders while ensuring stability, resilience, and scalability.

Una línea azul con un círculo en el medio sobre un fondo negro.


Se muestra un logotipo de eysa sobre un fondo blanco.

The success of the project depends on effectively exploiting its outcomes by bringing the developed solutions to market. WP6 will support this process by identifying and mitigating risks early in the project and developing tailored exploitation strategies for each solution. It will evaluate different schemes, such as Open-Data models for sharing information with public authorities and commercial models for providing data to private actors. System access levels will be defined to accommodate different use cases, with innovative fare structures for data and tools being assessed.To ensure successful exploitation, intellectual property management will be applied throughout the project, covering both background assets contributed by partners and foreground assets generated within the project. Tailored protection policies will be drafted to safeguard these assets based on their nature and potential. Additionally, this WP will facilitate cooperation with key associations such as BDVA, DSSC, DBA, IDSA, and GAIA-X to ensure alignment with EU reference architectural models and to continuously monitor and enhance the development of the Mobility Data Space.